Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Introducing: The Bible!

Do you ever decide to take a project on and then get started and realize you're in way over your head?

I do. All the time.

In fact, that exact situation sounds vaguely familiar at this very moment.

But, there's no turning back now. Er, well, that's not entirely true. I could most certainly turn back. Or at the very least stop typing. But I'm excited about this and even though I'm just beginning to understand how time consuming this whole thing is going to be, I still want to do it!

Call me crazy. I'll probably answer.

So, as it turns out, I'm blogging the Bible.

I think I originally planned to just dive into the first bit of Genesis. But, as I went to do just that, it seemed so unnatural [that sounds wrong]. I decided that what I really need is an introduction, the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How, if you will.

Now, I'm guessing you know the Who and the What [[if not, just take a gander at the title of this blog]. The When is, I hope, mostly every day for the next 90 days. If that becomes too overwhelming for me, I might switch things up a bit - but I'll keep you posted [I love that about blogs - they can be ever-evolving]. The Where is probably my couch, and, of course, here, in my own little corner of cyberspace. The How is only with God's help.

The Why is where it gets interesting. Let me just say, I am no scholar. I'm just a girl, standing in front of a book asking what the heck it's all about. My friend Meghan suggested I take it a little bit slower - a day to read, a day to reflect and a day to write the blog - the 9 month approach. I thought about it A LOT. I thought maybe I'd add an extra day to reflect [or go to the beach] and make it a cool year. Or perhaps I could cut out reflecting all together and do it in 6 months. After all, 90 days is a pretty short time to read and write about the most provocative book in the world.

I've been mulling all this over for the past month, trying to take all things into consideration. And then it hit me. This is not what this is about! This whole crazy idea began first and foremost as a way to accomplish a long time goal of reading the Bible all the way through! The blogging was just an aid, it's the reading that's supposed to take center stage.

I've heard people say they read the Bible all the way through and they don't even remember chunks of it. Here's hoping I remember chunks.

Plus, I'd love this to be a journey we can go on together. I'm very social that way. So I'll be posting what I'm going to read tomorrow at the end of each entry - you can follow along at your own pace.

If you are interested in a more scholarly approach, I want to help with that, too! So, I'll be researching and adding similar blogs from smarter people somewhere on the side. Also, I'm definitely open to suggestions.

Tomorrow, fingers crossed, I will have read Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 16: 16 and will be ready to right about it.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading my blog. I think this is going to be fun.


  1. Can't wait to read what your discovering, Miss Brandy!!

    Lots of love, and may the Holy Spirt that illuminated the Bible, illuminate your understanding of the text!

  2. Hey! This is awesome! I would love to do this with you! LOVE!

  3. Which translation are you using? That'll make a big difference.

    Happy reading,

  4. I've read, now blog about it please :)

  5. Thanks for the love, guys!

    JMS - The Bible In 90 Days uses NIV. I'm going back and forth between it and the Apologetics Study Bible which is Holman Christian Standard, I think.


Thank you! I love comments. :)