Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Blog About A Blog

Sigh. It's 12:22. I haven't finished the reading for day 7. If I attempted to blog tonight I'd be up until 4am or later. If I wasn't in Pennsylvania, I'd consider it. But, here, it seems, I'm running on my parents timeline. And their schedule definitely doesn't include blogging into the early hours. I'll likely get a wake up call at 7am. And no one wants to encounter me on 3 hours of sleep.

So, I haven't blogged in 3 days. I thought I'd be able to do it on vacation. I thought wrong.

I want you to know, tho, I'm not giving up. It may take me a little longer than I originally anticipated, but, so be it. Sometimes it's more important for me to play Candyland with Baby Sadie or cuddle with Jermaine than it is to blog. I think that's the good stuff - the marrow sucking, if you will.
I have to tell you, it's a lot harder than I thought it'd be. It's a breeze to shoot out a blog like this - and I'm thankful to this project for helping me realize that! When I finish, I'll be able to brandy-wine blog like it's going out of style.

With this blog, I have to read A LOT [I mean, obviously]. And then research the stuff I just read, and then, write it all out [and agonize how it's so long that no one's going to read it].

I'm not complaining. Actually, I love it! I feel like it's this adventure I get to be a part of - it's exciting! I'm really just phishing for comments. They make it all worth it! And I changed the settings so that you can leave a comment even if you don't have a blog [or, you should be able to, let me know if you have trouble].

So this, as it turns out, is a blog about not blogging. I'm going to make an effort to blog [about not blogging] whenever it happens that I can't get through whatever day I'm on. That way, you'll still have something fun to read [or look at, or watch]. And if you're following along, you get a break from all that reading! Or you can get ahead of me and sit back and scoff at how far behind I am. ;)

I tried posting a video of the Young @ Heart [] Trailer for you to watch - I really really really want to see it! But it wouldn't work - technical difficulties. I'm frustated now. And tired. And Ornery - which is Jermaine's new favorite word [it's a pretty funny word]. I posted some photos of my hometown instead. It's good to be back.

So, good night, Blogland. We shall meet again, soon [perhaps not too soon on the biblical front - I may not post a Bible entry until I get back to Maryland on Wednesday - I'll keep you posted [no pun intended]].

1 comment:

  1. :) I'm halfway through Numbers, so now I won't feel badly if I miss a day. I LOVE Solo, thanks for showing it to me!!!


Thank you! I love comments. :)