Thursday, August 20, 2009

Prayer and blogging

Hi there!

[Editor's Note: This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this blog. I just thought it was adorable.]

Terribly sorry for the blogging hiatus. I promise I haven't given up. Cross my heart.

I think I have to admit it, tho. The 90 day plan may be too much. And, school hasn't even started yet!

So, I'm plotting. Planning. And praying [well, honestly, this whole blog has been seriously lacking in the prayer department [as least on my part] - so I'm devoting some time on my knees in the very near future]. Ooh - your prayers would be much appreciated! Requesting prayers regarding glory. Namely, that this blog will be for God's glory and not mine. And for forgiveness and mercy. Because I tend to be a glory hog.

A few other prayer needs:
  • Strength to keep going, if continuing is God's will
  • Discernment to know whether or not it is
  • Wisdom and accuracy
  • That this blog will bless others in ways I can't begin to imagine
  • Um, and anything else that you think will help
Writing is so wonderfully organic. I didn't plan on asking for prayer until I started in on this blog entry. It all just came out. And it seems pretty obvious that prayer is exactly what I need right now.

I'm thinking about cutting my blogs in half. So, instead of 12 pages, we'd do 6. It would mean shorter blogs [which I like] and a longer time-frame [which I'm not so sure about - I'm warming up to the idea, tho]. Plus, I can dive into a few of the details that are being missed right now.

I'm also loosely throwing around the idea of a day to read and a day to blog. That would lengthen this project by about a year. But, overall, might be more helpful to more people.

I'm [very] slowly learning how to make my blog shine. I'm not what you'd call "computer-savvy" [some might hesitate to call me "computer-literate"] so, the extra time could help the cultivation process tremendously.

As always, comments are warmly encouraged. :)

If I do make this a longer project, I'll free up some time for submitting articles to magazines and working on my two other blogs [The chronicles of not enough and Confessions of an out of shape aerobics instructor]. Because up until now the plan has been to finish this project before even thinking about those.

One more thing. I'm attempting a slightly more scholarly approach. I'm keeping my quirky flavor, but I checked out 10 or so biblical commentaries from the library. One of the things I'm working on in my life right now is to hone my research skills [which, sadly, even tho I'm entering my senior year of undergrad, leave a lot to be desired]. I thought, what better opportunity than this?

Mostly this means instead of typing, "I think I heard somewhere . . . ", I'll actually look it up. ;)

Well folks, it's officially way too late again. Time to dive under my covers and dream about horrible things [ugh, while cleaning my room - I watched, like, 4 or more hours of crime shows - there should be some sort of cut off! I'm afraid to close my eyes].

Hmm, maybe I should pray about that, too . . .


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